That happens automatically by Simple Object Designer. Using the SystemId field.

2 Responses

  1. This is what i get when i download the source code

    query 51533 CustomerPaymentsDTT
    QueryCategory = ‘payments’;
    Caption = ‘NZHCustomerPayments’;
    QueryType = API;
    EntitySetName = ‘customerPayments’;
    EntityName = ‘customerPayment’;
    APIGroup = ‘DTT’;
    APIPublisher = ‘hougaard’;
    APIVersion = ‘v2.0’;
    UsageCategory = ReportsAndAnalysis;
    dataitem(Payments;”Cust. Ledger Entry”)
    DataItemTableFilter = “Document Type” = filter(‘Payment’);
    column(entryno_;”Entry No.”)
    column(customerno_;”Customer No.”)
    column(postingdate;”Posting Date”)
    column(documenttype;”Document Type”)
    column(documentno_;”Document No.”)
    column(customername;”Customer Name”)
    column(yourreference;”Your Reference”)
    column(currencycode;”Currency Code”)
    column(remainingamount;”Remaining Amount”)
    column(originalamt__lcy_;”Original Amt. (LCY)”)
    column(remainingamt__lcy_;”Remaining Amt. (LCY)”)
    column(amount_lcy_;”Amount (LCY)”)
    column(sales_lcy_;”Sales (LCY)”)
    column(bal_accounttype;”Bal. Account Type”)
    column(bal_accountno_;”Bal. Account No.”)


  2. Ahh, query as API, no support for ODatakeyFields on queries. (Missing support for that by Microsoft, I have asked them why?)

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