Business Central Command Line

User Guide

Welcome to the user guide for BCCL Business Central Command Line.

On these pages, you can find detailed instructions on how to use BCCL. Each area will also contain a video guide with a walkthrough on how to use the feature in a real-life example.

You can also use our support forum to interact with other BCCL users and hougaard.com experts.

BCCL Parameters

BCCL Tasks

tasksGet a list of all the task types BCCL currently knows
tablesSearch for tables
putdataUpload/Insert data into a Business Central table
getdataDownload/Get data from a Business Central table
mappingGet a mapping file for a table (template)
deletedataUpload a file with records that will be deleted.
massupdateUpdate multiple records
runcodeunitRun a codeunit
postsalesPost sales documents
postpurchasePost purchase documents

Download a Cheat Sheet with examples of commands