I saw your video about updating the compiler. So i put the settings (in our sandbox) to compiler: Microsoft. and also changed the Start objectnumber and the ExtensionName.
Why change start objectnumber? Because our supplier has a ‘range’ for customer-related changes.
Why change ExtensioName? Because it’s possible in the settings menu and also because it’s easier for me to relate.
- Als u ondersteuning vraagt, geeft u de volgende details op om het probleem op te lossen:
- Foutmelding:
Extension Cache Hgd bestaat niet. Identificatievelden en -waarden: App-id='{437DBF0E-84FF-417A-965D-ED2BB9650972}’ - Interne sessie-id:
fc9e2cb7-fcf5-4e96-aadb-fa26d0c35d7c - Id van Application Insights-sessie:
542405a8-6389-4b3f-9f45-55146e177cd3 - Id van clientactiviteit:
cb2bebe6-a940-4464-90c5-2d12fb039dd2 - Tijdstempel van fout:
2024-11-14T10:33:35.3366911Z - Telemetrie-id van de gebruiker:
b9d9c0bd-66c0-491f-a483-8902863ac77d - AL-aanroepstack:
“Modern Build Extension Hgd”(CodeUnit 70310262).CreateModernExtensionEx line 632 – Simple Object Designer by Hougaard
“Object Designer Menu Hgd”(Page 70310263).”ExportExtension – OnAction”(Trigger) line 10 – Simple Object Designer by Hougaard
Note. i Also update our sandbox through our provider to Microsoft Business Central Platform version: 24.0.
Simple Object Designer is up to date =
When i put the settings back to compiler: Legacy the next issue comes in place when publishing:
Deployment failed. Errors: App ID : dbf64cc2-6fb3-428b-a837-d2e941377750 Message : { The app (or one of its dependencies) does not have a version that is compatible with other installed apps on the tenant. Encountered the following resolution issue:
Dependency resolution issue.
Type: CircularDependency,
App: Id: [dbf64cc2-6fb3-428b-a837-d2e941377750], Name: [My Customizations], Publisher: [Zegers ServiceOnderhoud], Version: [],
Dependency path:
Id: [dbf64cc2-6fb3-428b-a837-d2e941377750], Name: [ZEGERS_CUSTOM], Publisher: [Zegers ServiceOnderhoud], Version: []
-> Id: [dbf64cc2-6fb3-428b-a837-d2e941377750], Name: [My Customizations], Publisher: [Zegers ServiceOnderhoud], Version: [] }
Should i change the numbers first?
Thank you.
When are you getting the error about the extension cache?
When i change the compiler back to Legacy, and then publish everything, i get this error:
Deployment failed. Errors: App ID : dbf64cc2-6fb3-428b-a837-d2e941377750 Message : { The app (or one of its dependencies) does not have a version that is compatible with other installed apps on the tenant. Encountered the following resolution issue:
Dependency resolution issue.
Type: CircularDependency,
App: Id: [dbf64cc2-6fb3-428b-a837-d2e941377750], Name: [My Customizations], Publisher: [Zegers ServiceOnderhoud], Version: [],
Dependency path:
Id: [dbf64cc2-6fb3-428b-a837-d2e941377750], Name: [ZEGERS_CUSTOM], Publisher: [Zegers ServiceOnderhoud], Version: []
-> Id: [dbf64cc2-6fb3-428b-a837-d2e941377750], Name: [My Customizations], Publisher: [Zegers ServiceOnderhoud], Version: [] }
Please go through the refresh symbols process and answer yes to clearing the cache, then publish.
I already did that again (before posting the error).
> i have set all settings back to working state (Extensioname: My Customizations + Start objectnr. 50549)
> when i publish it, then i don’t get the error and everything worked
I get the error when:
> i change the Compiler to: Microsoft
i have now again set the settings to:
> Extensionname: ZEGERS_CUSTOM
> Start Objectnr.: 81000
> Compiler: Microsoft
> Refresh Symbols (now ongoing….)
I will get back what comes uit of this.
too bad. when i press publish again (after clearing cache and redownload symbols), i get the same error:
Als u ondersteuning vraagt, geeft u de volgende details op om het probleem op te lossen:
Extension Cache Hgd bestaat niet. Identificatievelden en -waarden: App-id='{437DBF0E-84FF-417A-965D-ED2BB9650972}’
Interne sessie-id:
Id van Application Insights-sessie:
Id van clientactiviteit:
Tijdstempel van fout:
Telemetrie-id van de gebruiker:
“Modern Build Extension Hgd”(CodeUnit 70310262).CreateModernExtensionEx line 632 – Simple Object Designer by Hougaard
“Object Designer Menu Hgd”(Page 70310263).”ExportExtension – OnAction”(Trigger) line 10 – Simple Object Designer by Hougaard
This first error i get, is when i got the settings changed and then publish everything.
Als u ondersteuning vraagt, geeft u de volgende details op om het probleem op te lossen:
Extension Cache Hgd bestaat niet. Identificatievelden en -waarden: App-id='{437DBF0E-84FF-417A-965D-ED2BB9650972}’
Interne sessie-id:
Id van Application Insights-sessie:
Id van clientactiviteit:
Tijdstempel van fout:
Telemetrie-id van de gebruiker:
“Modern Build Extension Hgd”(CodeUnit 70310262).CreateModernExtensionEx line 632 – Simple Object Designer by Hougaard
“Object Designer Menu Hgd”(Page 70310263).”ExportExtension – OnAction”(Trigger) line 10 – Simple Object Designer by Hougaard