
Batch Processing

Batch Processing enables you to change a single field on multiple records. The process is very interactive, and you are in control all the time.

There are also options for using ToolBox code to perform advanced batch operations.

Walkthrough of the process

Open Batch Processing from the main ToolBox page

From here, you also access the list of previous runs.

First, specify what table to work on and what field you want to change.

Set the filters you need to select the records you want the batch process to work on.

On this screen, you get a chance to verify the records chosen and the current values from the field you have selected.

If this looks correct, press Continue to the next page.

On this page, you can define the new value. Behind the scene, you are creating the right side of this statement:

Rec.Field := <New Value>

There are a few rules:

  1. Texts must be in quotes ‘example’
  2. Dates must be yyyymmddD 20220723D
  3. Time must be hhmmssT

Click Verify new value… to test that it works.

This page shows how the processing will work, showing both the old and the new values.

On the last screen, you decide if business logic should be triggered or not.

OnModify will run the record trigger when the record is saved to the database.

Validate Field will trigger field validation.

Normally you would always want to trigger all business logic to ensure data integrity.

To Execute! and the process will run.